与员工见面: 埃里克Gredonia
Senior 招生 Officer
Originally from Los Angeles, 加州, Erick is a graduate of Bates College where he pursued his BA in Dance with two minors in Rhetoric, 电影 & Screen Studies and Educational Studies. 在贝茨的时候, Erick worked in the admissions office as a tour guide, a diversity recruitment coordinator, 一位资深研究员. 毕业后, Erick joined the admission office at Hamilton College in central New York as an Assistant Dean of Admission for two years where his main responsibilities included overseeing social media communications and supporting diversity recruitment initiatives. Erick is eager to continue his work in diversity recruitment as the coordinator for 项目的机会 at Barnard. Since working in admissions during his first year at Bates College, he hopes to continue to increase access and equity in the college admissions process for students coming from various diverse backgrounds.
Erick uses he/him pronouns.
国内: 加州 (Southern - Los Angeles and Santa Barbara areas), 纽约(皇后区), and Texas (excluding Dallas, 沃斯堡, 和休斯顿地区)
Why did you choose to work at Barnard?
Barnard’s rich history and commitment to empowering women makes it a place that is conscious of the world around it. I wanted to be part of a community with the responsibility of tackling issues of gender and exploring intersectionalities in order to support students and foster a culture that values equality, 重视安全, and is welcoming to bold and active minds.
What is your favorite book?
Some of my favorite books include All About Love: New Visions 由钟钩和 Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption 布莱恩·史蒂文森. The most recent book I read was Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement by Angela Davis (and I highly recommend everyone read it!).
What is your favorite thing to do in NYC?
吃,吃,吃! 有超过23个,000 establishments in this beautiful city, and my goal is to eat at every single one of them!
What is your favorite place on campus?
The Milstein Center is simply gorgeous (and it now has a boba shop on the first floor!).
What is a random fun fact about yourself?
I am a hip-hop dancer, and I have been dancing since I was seven years old!